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Yunqi Conference Special Session Debate on Wine and Tourism Model: 40% of newly opened hotel rooms this year are equipped with intelligent assistants

Date: 2023-11-04

The 2023 Yunqi Conference held the Future Hotel 2030 Roundtable, and the value of generative AI in the wine and tourism industry has sparked discussions among hotel management groups, industry associations, and artificial intelligence companies. According to the ecological trend data of Tmall Genie AIoT, it is expected that 40% of newly opened hotel rooms this year will be equipped with intelligent voice terminals, with over 11 intelligent interactions per room night.

Zhang Xingguo, Chairman of the Hotel Digital Professional Committee of the China Hotel Association, Ma Huan, Head of Home Inn of First Travel, Wang Haomin, Director of Information Technology Hotel Opening and Management of Accor Group, Shen Bo, Director of Digital Information of Junting Group, had a heated discussion with representatives of artificial intelligence enterprises such as Tmall Genie, Alipay, and Yunji Technology.