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China Hotel Industry Green Development Conference Guangzhou Ends

Date: 2023-06-22

On June 18, 2023, under the guidance of the China Association for the Promotion of Industrial Development and the China Hotel Association, the China Hotel Industry (Greater Bay Area) Green Development Conference was held in Guangzhou, hosted by Kangboshi Health Technology Group and the China Hotel Association Oxygen Bar Hotel Special Committee Working Group. This conference focuses on the background of the Healthy China era and the trend of green development and health upgrading in the hotel industry. During the conference, Mr. Kang released the "Oxygen Bar Hotel Alliance Strategy" to the public, which has received widespread attention from the hotel industry.

Wang Min, Executive President and Secretary General of the China Federation of Commerce, Li Xiaojun, Vice President of the China Association for the Promotion of Industrial Development, Ding Zhigang, Vice President of the China Hotel Association, Liu Zhuohui, Academician of the International Academy of Quality Sciences and former Chief Engineer of the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China, Zhu Renyi, Disinfection and Infection Control Expert of the Shanghai Center for Disease Control and Prevention, An Qiang, President of the International Hotel Leadership Organization and Secretary General of the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Hotel Industry Federation, and Lu Junqing, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Tianjiu Sharing Group, Zhang He, President of Kangbo Health Technology Group and President of Kangbo · Oxygen Bar Hotel, and others attended the event, witnessing the moment of change in the hotel industry with hundreds of hotel industry elites, entrepreneurs, and media professionals.

The Road to Green and Healthy Transformation of the Hotel Industry in Accordance with the Era of Great Health

The hotel industry, which has been dormant for three years due to the epidemic, is rapidly recovering. According to data from Ctrip Business Travel, the order volume of domestic business travel hotels has increased by more than twice compared to the same period in 2019. Qunar Big data Research Institute shows that since New Year's Day, business travelers' orders in hotels across the country have gradually increased, catching up with the same period before the epidemic.

However, the short-term market rebound dividend is not enough to support the long-term stable development of the hotel industry. Faced with the rise of new consumption, new markets, new demands, and new technologies, the future hotel industry must comply with the development trend of the big health era and move towards a path of green and healthy transformation.

Wang Min, executive president and secretary-general of the China Federation of Commerce, said in his speech that under the guidance of the dual carbon strategic objectives and the joint promotion of policy driven, technical assistance, market-oriented means and other factors, the Great Bay Area, as a leading region in building a green and low-carbon Carbon cycle economic system, is becoming the background of the development of the Great Bay Area, and a picture of a beautiful bay area with blue sky, green mountains and clear water has slowly begun. Kangbo · Oxygen Bar Hotel is an innovator in the hotel industry, which will promote the green development of the hotel industry and will also help the development of the low Carbon cycle economy in the Great Bay Area.

Li Xiaojun, Vice President of the China Association for the Promotion of Industrial Development, highly praised the green development of the hotel industry. He believes that oxygen bar hotels have accelerated innovation breakthroughs in the hotel industry from four aspects: technological innovation, product innovation, model innovation, and industrial innovation. Li Xiaojun stated that the scale of China's health industry will reach 16 trillion yuan by 2030. The practical and feasible entry point to capture the trillion yuan market is to meet the growing needs of the people as the fundamental goal, reform and innovation as the fundamental driving force, solve people's pain points in life, truly benefit hotel consumers, and achieve high-quality development of the hotel industry.