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The May Day holiday has ended, and data from A-level scenic spots in various regions has been released

Date: 2023-05-04

This year's May Day holiday, Shenzhen Happy Valley has continuously set a new record for the highest daily reception, "said Fu Shihai, Deputy General Manager of Shenzhen Happy Valley." Shenzhen Happy Valley has received over 150000 tourists, setting a new historical high for the same period in the past 25 years, with a 70% increase compared to 2019

On May 3rd, 2023, the May Day holiday will end. According to the Hubei Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, during holidays, A-level scenic spots in the province received 12.96 million tourists, an increase of 61.88% and 116.03% compared to the same period in 2019 and 2022, respectively.

During this year's May Day holiday, the cultural and tourism systems of Shandong Province took multiple measures simultaneously, focusing on enriching product supply and strengthening market supervision. The entire holiday market was popular, with abundant and stable products. According to the statistical survey, the 200 tourist attraction under key monitoring in Shandong Province received 19163000 tourists in total, with ticket revenue of 340811000 yuan, an increase of 447.6% and 745.3% over the same period of the previous year, respectively, and recovered to 136.3% and 109.9% in the same period of 2019.

During this May Day holiday, the West Lake Scenic Area in Hangzhou is undoubtedly one of the most popular tourist destinations in China. According to statistics, during the May Day holiday in 2023, the West Lake Scenic Area received a total of 2.8278 million tourists. Among them, the passenger flow of the toll park was 837100 person times, an increase of 14.24% over the same period in 2019. The top three passenger flows were: Feilaifeng Scenic Spot, Three Pools Mirroring the Moon, and Zoo.

During the May Day holiday, Inner Mongolia has launched over 300 holiday cultural and tourism activities with the theme of "Meeting the Grassland and Joining Hands in Spring", continuously increasing the supply of holiday products, fully activating the holiday economy, and promoting cultural and tourism consumption to reach a historic high. As of 8:00 pm on May 3rd, the region has received over 10 million tourists, an increase of 2.4 times year-on-year; 304 A-level tourist attraction in the region received a total of 4.8124 million person times, with a revenue of 2.406 billion yuan, more than 600% year on year; The income of over 300 star rated hotels and rated homestays has nearly doubled, achieving the comprehensive recovery and development of the May Day holiday culture and tourism industry.