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Hu Heping, Minister of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism: will launch 100 high-quality routes for red tourism in the centuries-old party

Date: 2021-03-23

On March 23, the CPC Central Committee held its first press conference in 2021. According to Hu Heping, Vice Minister of the Central Propaganda Department and Minister of Culture and Tourism, focusing on celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, combined with the study and education of party history, red tourism will be further carried out, and "100 high-quality red tourism routes for the 100th anniversary of the founding of the party" will be launched. According to data, from 2004 to 2019, the national red tourism resources continued to expand, and more and more precious revolutionary cultural relics met with tourists. The number of people participating in red tourism increased from 140 million to 1.41 billion every year, and many red tourist attractions became Chinese. The experience place for the elderly to relive the passionate years and feel the changes of the times has become a "punch-in place" for young people to listen to red stories and pay tribute to heroes and models.

   Hu Heping said that in recent years, people’s desire to learn revolutionary history and experience revolutionary culture has become stronger. Visiting revolutionary sites, memorials, and museums have become common practice, and red tourism has gradually developed. The popularity of some red tourist destinations is increasing. For example, in Yan'an, the sacred place of revolution, during holidays, Yan'an Revolution Memorial Hall, Yangjialing Revolutionary Site, Zaoyuan Revolution Site, Baota Mountain and other attractions can be said to be full of tourists. Here, there are many foreign friends. In 2019, Yan'an received more than 73 million tourists.

Hu Heping pointed out that the Ministry of Culture and Tourism will also hold a red story teller contest around the theme of the centennial of the founding of the party, organize outstanding commentators to enter the government, enter the school, and tell the red story. Many red tourist attractions and tourism companies have also launched exciting events. The activities in this field allow more tourists to choose red tourism and receive revolutionary traditional education; organize red research trips, organize red tourism planning and creativity contests for college students and other activities to actively guide young people to pursue the footprints of their ancestors and experience the struggle first-hand.

In addition, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism plans to hold a National Revolutionary Cultural Relics Work Conference in the near future to make comprehensive arrangements and deployments for improving the protection of revolutionary cultural relics, enhancing the development vitality of the Revolutionary Memorial Museum, and developing red tourism based on revolutionary cultural relics, so that revolutionary cultural relics can be better protected and revolutionized. The spirit is better promoted, and better conditions are created for the masses of red tourism.